
[S]200614 #134 본문

물고기의 2020/물고기의 영어공부

[S]200614 #134

코딩하는물고기 2020. 6. 14. 22:17




1일 1패턴

- 영어 회화


Would you like a blanket?

- 담요 드릴까요?


Would you like another cocktail?

- 칵테일 한잔 더 드실래요?


Would you like to join me?

- 저랑 같이 가실래요?


Would you like to order?

- 주문 하실래요?


Would you like to something cold?

- 머 시원한 거 드실래요?


Do you want to examples?

- 예를 들어줄까?


Do you want to stay or do you want to go?

- 여기 있을래, 갈래?


Would you like one?

- 하나 드릴까요?


Would you like some flower?

- 꽃을 드릴까요?


Would you like to work with me?

- 저랑 같이 일해 보실래요?


Would you like to take a walk?

- 산책 가실래요?


Would you like to make more money?

- 돈을 더 벌고 싶으세요?


Do you want to anything?

- 뭐 다른 거 원하는 게 있니?


Do you want to a leader?

- 리더가 되고 싶니?




It's nice sitting here under the stars, but it's chilly

- 별 보면서 밖에 앉아 있으니까 좋다, 근데 좀 추워


Would you like a blanket?

- 담요 줄까?


I have one in my car 

- 내 차에 하나 있어 


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